Monday, May 26, 2014

Author of the Week: Erzabet Bishop

Welcome back to Buy a Book, Tell a Friend!

This week Ezabet Bishop visits the blog. I met Ezabet online when we both realized we each had a book about Beltane published. Erzabet is far more diverse in her writing than I am and it shows in all the many genres where she finds stories. Today I asked her one question about which one is her favorite.

BBTF: You write in multiple genres and formats. What is your current favorite genre and format (short story, novel, CYOA, screenplay)?

Erzabet: Thanks for having me. That’s a tough one. Under my pen name (Erzabet) I write erotica and under my other nom de plume I write young adult, children’s literature and horror.

I can’t really list a favorite genre. They are all a part of me as a writer. The erotica side does give me a lot of freedom to explore things I wouldn’t normally get experience in my day to day world, so that is a lot of fun for me.

Young adult is something I have loved for years and am in the middle of two novels. Only recently have they begun to gel into something that is going to come to fruition. When I first started them ten years ago, I jumped into the act of novel writing completely blind and didn’t have a clue what I was doing. I got lost in the forest and couldn’t see the trees. Now after working on several shorter works of fiction, the process is less frightening and a lot more rewarding.

For children’s works, I have recently completed a CYOA for the Ghostsniffers group. They are run by Angels of Anarchy, who is the publisher of the series I write for. I really like the entire concept. Ghostsniffers takes kids with disabilities and makes them action heroes. They really are and getting the chance to take on the role for the CYOA novel was one I really enjoyed.

For the adult side of the house, I am working in several formats.

*Choose your own erotic adventure-Silkwords has a unique website where you can join and read all the stories you want. There’s a new one out every week and every one of them is a CYOA. Mine tend to be a little more on the erotic side and I just signed a contract for a new vacation style adventure that is sure to curl some toes.

*Serial fiction-Club Rook is a new series by Angels of Anarchy. It is centered on a lesbian night club with some paranormal influences. Think Buffy meets Lost Girl and you have it. I play two characters-Shanti (a witch) and Heather (dominatrix, musician). Every week for twelve weeks there is a new episode. The series is hot and full of intrigue and lots of witchery. Oh…and let’s not forget how hot it is. Just sayin. A new episode goes live with a video and MP3 every Monday.

*Novella-My new novella Sigil Fire will be out from Ylva on June 11. This story originally began as an entry for the Halloween anthology last year and has morphed into a much larger project. It will be a series and I am already at work on the next one. It features a succubus and a blood witch turned vampire fighting against an enemy as old as time. It is a sexy urban fantasy with cover art that will knock your socks off.

*Short fiction-This year finds me in several Cleis and Ladylit anthologies. I love short fiction for the burst of passion and opportunity to give a window into the lives of some pretty steamy characters. Slave Girls in particular has done very well so far. Bossy has just been released and with more to come in the summer months. Many of these feature BDSM style elements and a good many are f/f or m/f pairings depending on the theme of the anthology. I am also writing for the Unbound website and you can find some free m/f pairings that are sure to heat up your reading time.

*Self-publishing-I have begun a series with the authors of Rhavensfyre. It is called Elemental Passions and features a host of Goddess energy and mythology. The first book features two stories, one from each of us. Mine is called Pomegranate and will be the first in a grouping with twisted myths and a war with the Fae. They are both wonderful stories. Rhavensfyre has a knack for digging out deep emotional scenes and making you linger there. Mine are a little more on the sexy side and this one sort of morphed into an epic fantasy with a life of its own. Stay tuned for more in this line.

You can find out more about Erzabet Bishop's multitude of projects and genres on her website. Be sure to buy a book and tell a friend. Something for everyone here. Happy reading!

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