Welcome back to Buy a Book, Tell a Friend!
This week Draven St. James
visits the blog. I met almost met on Facebook and we share a love (and origin) in the Pacific Northwest. Draven writes erotic male/male romance in both contemporary and paranormal settings. Today I
asked her one question about how she .
BBTF: You write M/M romance. What's your favorite subgenre and what techniques do you use to get into the best place where your stories flow?
Draven: My personal favorite for a genre within m/m romance would be contemporary with paranormal as a close second. Generally
to get into the mood to write I listen to music. It helps that I can
pick songs to go with the mood of the scene I'm working on. At the end
being able to read the scene and feel those emotions reflected in the
same way they are in music is fantastic. I think the stories overall
flow just develops because I let the characters lead the way. I start a
book with a rough outline from beginning to end and then let myself go.
With every book I've written, as the characters have moved through the
scenes, the book and how it gets from A to Z always changes.
You can find out more about Draven St. James's books on her website. Be sure to buy a book and tell a friend. Happy reading!
Thanks for having me! :)