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This week Veronica Scott
visits the blog. I met Mardi online during Six Sentence Sunday that morphed into Weekend Writing Warriors. Veronica writes some magnificent science fiction and fantasy Egyptian romance. I truly appreciate that because I started out as a science fiction/fantasy reader and writer. Today I
asked her one question about what grabs her most about ancient peoples.
BBTF: Many of your books contain ancient civilizations with a magical twist. What spurred you to write about these historical peoples?
Veronica: I grew up in a home with a huge library and parents who read all the
time, which encouraged me to do the same. My Dad loved science fiction
and my mother was into fiction and nonfiction about the ancient world,
especially Egypt and Greece. So I grew up loving both genres but
definitely leaning toward stories containing mysterious, mystical
touches. I ate up the novels where cool things happened if the
old gods – of Earth or out in the galaxy – got involved. I enjoy giving
glimpses of mysteries that are so far in the past we can’t ever know
anything for sure about them, even as my characters are affected for
better or for worse, as in Escape From Zulaire. I love events
that can’t be explained by any rational process because I believe they
add spice to life. I always wanted to write romance novels about ancient
Egypt, but couldn’t bring myself to do it without involving the gods as
active participants. When I write my science fiction romances, I bring
all the research I’ve done into Egypt’s past, and other ancient
civilizations, plus that healthy imagination I developed as a kid, and I
add touches of myth and mystery to the SF goings-on.
You can find out more about Veronica Scott's books on her website. Be sure to buy a book and tell a friend. Happy reading!
Thanks for having me as your guest today!